Thukral & Tagra b.1976,1979 / Science, Mystery and Magic II (superman)
about this work
As the media and consumer landscapes of India become increasingly Westernized and over-heated, so too does the prevailing imagery employed become increasingly sexualized. This may often seem at odds with the perceived conservativeness of Indian society, where extended families continue to live together and arranged marriages are still the norm. Adolescent courtship, pre-marital sexual activity and trans-gender experimentation may not be subjects one learns about in school but they are increasingly visible on the televisions and cinema screens of India. The space of fine art, with its emphasis on freedom and curiosity, may be an appropriate platform to educate young people about life and death subjects. Thukral & Tagra look back to the “golden age” of Indian art, specifically the famous temples of Khajuraho, with their blatantly promiscuous sculptural facades illustrating all manner of carnal activities. These randy couples and groups, touristic clichés like the infamous Kama Sutra, are transplanted to the modern, middle class bedroom, swathed in the sentimental pastel tones of the boudoir and “sheathed” in a blanket decorated with the diagrammatic program of how to apply condom to penis. Thukral & Tagra’s message is two-fold for the youth of India today: do not be ashamed of the pleasures that are historically yours but act responsibly in regard to our contemporary dilemmas.

Thukral & Tagra (b.1976,1979, India)

Science, Mystery and Magic II (superman), 2011

Oil on canvas
153 x 213 x 7 cm
60 1/4 x 83 7/8 x 2 3/4 in.
Nature Morte Gallery, Delhi, India Current Location:
UK - London - Brinks PaintingSouth Asia

related works / Thukral & Tagra / South Asia / Painting